Meet, a spin out from University of Aarhus (Denmark), the 3rd pitching company to be announced.

Meet, a spin out from University of Aarhus (Denmark), the 3rd pitching company to be announced. ApS is a company specialized in developing economically important agricultural crops that are naturally resistant to fungal infections particularly to Fusarium and Aspergillus. The resistance entails that the pre-harvest use of fungicides is reduced, and crops are not contaminated, pre- or post-harvest, with fungal toxins that are hazardous to animals and humans. Fungal resistance is obtained through gene-editing leading to overexpression of a natural plant enzyme (Nepenthesin). Nepenthesin is a protease and degrades fungal enzymes upon infection, this ensures that the infecting fungus does not get the needed nutrient and therefore will starve. 

Already interested in the technology, please have a look at Meet Healthycrop.

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