CropIB China 2023

国际作物创新与商业会议中国站 2023

After careful consideration, we have decided to postpone the first CropIB China to 2023. The international corona situation and the still changing measures are causing a great deal of uncertainty for international traveling and transcontinental gatherings. Therefore it is appropriate to postpone CropIB China, allowing speakers and participants to properly prepare for traveling, participation, and contributions.

We plan to again contact our network in spring 2023.

The first international CROP Innovation & Business (CropIB) China will be held in Sanya Yazhou bay, Hainan, China in 2023. The event is organized by Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City, together with KeyGene, supported by a program committee and Iventus.

CropIB China will give the floor to influential speakers from China, Asia and the rest of the world, being involved in innovation in crop improvement and food, in the China province that is leading in technology innovation and crop improvement.

Technology innovation for society
The health and wellbeing of the future of our growing world population is directly linked to agriculture, in China and in the rest of the world. Climate change, decreasing availability of agricultural land and the need to make agriculture ever more sustainable, generate extra challenges. Challenges that can be met by developing the best possible agricultural innovations and use them in a way that optimally meets societal context.

Recent and future innovations in research in agro-biotech and the seed industry can serve well as effective tools to successfully contribute to combatting the challenges. Creating, maintaining and using a good internationally oriented ‘ecosystem’, in which relevant players interact and collaborate for the development and application of innovations is crucial for results and success.

That is why CropIB China will bring together both business and academic leaders and scientists and breeders involved, from all over the world. Best practices will be presented and discussed.

Please subscribe to the CROP IB newsletter to make sure you will remain informed about CROP IB China and the possibilities to participate.

CropIB China pre-event in 2021
In October 2021, the successful online pre-event of CropIB China took place. This pre-event gave the floor to influential speakers from China and the Netherlands. From China representatives of the government and industry presented China’s ambition and recent successes in innovation in technology and crop improvement. The successes of the Dutch innovation ecosystem in food and crops were presented by business representatives from the Netherlands.

You can view the recording of the CropIB China pre-event here.

经过慎重考虑,我们决定将首届 CropIB China 推迟到 2023 年。国际新冠疫情形势和仍在变化的措施给国际旅行和跨洲聚会带来了很大的不确定性。 因此,推迟 CropIB China 有利于让演讲者和参与者为旅行、参与和工作做好充分的准备。

我们计划在 2023 年春季再次联系大家。

首届国际作物创新与商业会议中国站 (CropIB) China 将于 2023 年在中国海南三亚崖州湾举办。该活动由三亚崖州湾科技城与 KeyGene (科因)联合主办,并得到项目委员会和 Iventus的支持。



这就是为什么 CropIB China 将汇集来自世界各地的商业和学术领袖以及相关的科学家和育种者来介绍和讨论最佳的实践。

请订阅 CropIB 时事通讯,以确保您随时了解 CROP IB 中国以及参与的可能性。

2021CropIB China预演活动
2021年10月,CropIB China线上预演活动成功举办。此次会前活动让来自中国和荷兰的有影响力的演讲者发言。来自中国的政府和行业代表介绍了中国在技术创新和作物改良方面的雄心和近期取得的成功。来自荷兰的企业代表介绍了荷兰创新生态系统在食品和作物方面的成功。

您可以在此处查看 CROP IB 中国赛前活动的记录。


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